Webservices Status Information

You can find the status of all DanglIT GmbH services at this link: Statusmonitor

Documentation & Software Downloads

DanglIT GmbH hosts all its documentation on DanglDocu.

Some projects are not publicly accessible. These require that you log in with an user account on DanglDocu. Please contact DanglIT GmbH to be assigned the required permissions.

To download your applications, please see the Downloads section in DanglDocu.

Tip: DanglDocu is Open Source and completely free. If you need an app to host documentation and websites with a simple user management, get in touch with us! We're happy to support you.

Product Update Information

When you're logged in to DanglDocu, you can navigate to the Notifications section to manage email alerts for product updates. You can chose per project if you want to receive updates only for stable releases or also for all beta versions.

Library Access

To make the integration of our products hassle free, we offer multiple ways of including them in your products. You'll find an overview in this article: Setup Dangl.AVA & Dangl.GAEB in Visual Studio

You can configure your package feed access at Dangl.Identity in the "Package Feeds" area.

Alternatively, you can directly download the packages on MyGet or with a tool provided by us.

Source Code

All customers with source code access can easily use Git directly or the official Git server of DanglIT GmbH. You must create an user account and be granted the required permissions by our staff. Please contact us for any questions, we'll gladly support you!

AVACloud - GAEB SaaS

Our AVACloud - GAEB SaaS (Software as a Service) offering is especially popular. It's an easy and cost-efficient way to work with GAEB files in many programming languages, such as C#, Java, Php or JavaScript. You can convert, create, edit and analyse many formats with it.

DanglDocu hosts a step-by-step tutorial for AVACloud.

Additional, tested client solutions to work with GAEB, tendering, Excel and ÖNorm can be found in our article about AVACloud Clients.

Example Code & Open Source

We host all our examples, tutorials and Open Source projects on GitHub. You can find them at the following locations:

Additional Articles & Informations

You can find lots of examples and explanations on our articles overview.